News and Press

April 15, 2020

Omaha Business Leader Provides Medical Supplies To CUMC-Bergan Mercy Hospital To Bolster Covid Readiness

Omaha -- April 15, 2020 -- As the COVID 19 contagion spreads, Omaha business leader Applied Underwriters has joined those responding to the outbreak and to the warnings contained in the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services’ Directed Health Measure Order 2020-002 (signed 03/25/2020).

Applied Underwriters, Inc., using resources from its in-house medical facility, has made a substantial contribution to bolstering Creighton University Medical Center – Bergan Mercy’s ability to deal with staff and patients affected with the virus.

The insurer delivered to the hospital 20 respirators, a large supply of eyeglass shields, face masks, and protective gowns, all in their original packaging. Applied Underwriters, a top U.S. workers’ compensation insurer, has a medical and pharmaceutical unit in its Omaha operations center, with a full-time medical staff through which it arranges and monitors the treatment of its clients’ injured employees across the country.

Hospital officials have praised businesses like Applied Underwriters that have “stepped up” to deliver help to the frontline staff and the patients it serves. “This contribution not only helps us prepare for the peak of coronavirus cases later this month,” said CHI Health Chief Medical Officer Cary Ward, MD, “but it’s a great way to lift the spirits of a hardworking staff that works around the clock to save COVID-19 patients.”

Across the health care spectrum, the call is out for contributions of all types, said Jeff Silver, Executive Vice President & General Counsel of Applied Underwriters, noting that the COVID 19 virus has inspired private enterprise to open its resources in the service of the public good.

“We at Applied Underwriters are cooperating fully with all of the regulations issued and are seeking to find ways to help our neighbors here in Omaha, as we await a decline in the number of cases and a return to work once the contagion comes under control and as medical treatments become available,” Silver said, adding “ Meanwhile, we have made this contribution of useful supplies from our inventory in the hope that it will affect positive results immediately, especially the safety of the selfless, dedicated care providers at Bergen Mercy Hospital.”

About Applied Underwriters
Applied Underwriters® is a global risk services firm that helps businesses and people manage uncertainty through its business services, insurance, and reinsurance solutions. As a company, Applied Underwriters has been distinguished by its innovative approaches to client care and by its strong financial strength. Applied Underwriters operates widely throughout the US, UK, and EU. Its operational headquarters is located in Omaha, Nebraska.

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